Hugo Tremonte de Carvalho

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Hugo Carvalho at Inhotim Institute (Brumadinho – Minas Gerais), home to one of the largest foundations of contemporary art in Brazil and one of the largest outdoor art centers in Latin America. Picture taken by his beloved wife during their honeymoon.

I was born in São Paulo, Brazil, and received the Applied Mathematics degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2011, the M.Sc. degree from IM/UFRJ in Applied Mathematics in 2013 (monograph in Portuguese - An Introduction to Singularities in General Relativity), and finally the D.Sc. degree from COPPE/UFRJ in Electrical Engineering, area Signal Processing, being supervised by Luiz Wagner Pereira Biscainho and Flávio Rainho Ávila (thesis in English - Bayes Meets Bach: Applications of Bayesian Statistics to Audio Restoration). I am Assistant Professor of the Department of Statistical Methods from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, member of the MusMat Research Group and member of the editorial board of MusMat • Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics. Fortunately, I am able to merge my passions in my work: Music and Mathematics, being applications of Statistics to this fascinating intersection my main research interest. I am also interested in Music Information Retrieval, Statistical Signal Processing and Computational Statistics. In my spare time I like to brew beer at home with my wife, play classical guitar, learn how to play the harmonica, study music composition (and compose!) and paint in watercolor. I am also an enthusiast of science fiction (specially the Star Trek universe) and J. R. R. Tolkien legendarium.

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MusMat Research Group MusMat Journal Projeto MPB ARME Project

Contact me!

For security reasons, I don’t want to make public my email address in plain text. Therefore, the image below is blurred and corrupted with noise on purpose: